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Planting canary vines 01
Spring garden
The joy of growing cowpeas
The powerful vitality of seeds


The joy of growing cowpeas
The powerful vitality of seeds
Sharing tips on growing flowers
My pea seeds sharing

Planting canary vines

Every year I like to build a trellis for the canary vines because of the golden flowers that are as enticing as gold! The foliage of the canary vine Tropaeolum perigrinum suggests that it is the root of an arid lily, but once it flowers it can surprise even the experts.Tropaeolum perigrinum is a natural…

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Spring garden

New gardeners like to complain about the weather. New Englanders like to complain about the weather, too, but this year, it really has been a perfect spring, at least in New England, and at least for plants. What is a “perfect spring”? A long, slow and gradual thaw with few extreme swings. I might add…

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The joy of growing cowpeas

I’m always happy to share my gardening experiences, and my grandfather was the one who taught me to garden. We used to plan his garden together, him pushing his Troy Bilt and me following behind, raking the tracks left by the tiller. We buried tomato stems to help them form new roots. We use string…

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The powerful vitality of seeds

I came home last March and saw this bag in the fridge. It hadn’t been touched in years. I was curious if they would still grow. I have yet to find a good variety that I like to grow. I sometimes think of Grandpa’s peas, but I worry that they might fail here like so…

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Sharing tips on growing flowers

Onions and leeks are two beneficial crops from the start for a long time. The seeds are started under the lights in January, as they like bright light, and the house is moved to a cool greenhouse until the end of the Persephone season in mid-February. For bulb onions, if you start milking in the…

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My pea seeds sharing

I planted the peas in the spring and they grew profusely, the first purple flowers appearing, followed by red pods and green peas. I ate the first few handfuls of seeds from the garden raw. I guess you could say it was an acquired taste – rustic and fresh, but without the bacon grease we…

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Enjoy the peach harvest

My first wish for my farm was to plant an orchard. It didn’t have to be huge. I just wanted a place where we could go out and pick some fresh fruit that would ripen in the summer sun. Fruit trees take a long time to grow and bear fruit, so when we first moved…

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Planting annual vines

For the past two years I have been experimenting with growing a variety of annual vines in containers, trying about 8-10 different varieties of the most common annual vines each year. As you may have discovered for yourself, annual vines like petunias, while beautiful and easy to germinate, can and do grow so fast and…

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Planting Cypress Vine

I really enjoy growing all kinds of plants inside bonsai, it makes me happy at every moment. Today I am sharing a cypress vine. Cypress Vine, Ipomoea quamoclit looks stunning in my pots, even when just starting to grow as a seedling. By September it’ll be full grown with canes about 5 feet long, but…

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Have you ever seen northern artichokes?

Artichoke farming is actually not easy, at least in the North, and very few people are able to grow artichokes as well as they do, but things are changing as new methods and varieties become available. It will take some time for this to catch on, but as more and more local growers discover the…

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